Why is engaging with millennial’s different?
Millennials are always under the watchful eye of brands these days. Set to become the most influential spending power in the coming years, their opinion, and interest, is very important for brands looking to establish relationships with this huge demographic.
They are socially aware when compared to generations before them, which can be somewhat credited to the advancement in technology and the increased accessibility of information. Social media in particular has brought about a new way for consumers to interact with brands; they are now more involved than ever with the decisions and actions that they make!
Millennials are used to being able to interact and have their say in what a brand is doing, if they don’t like what is going on, they have no problem letting the brand know about it. Followers can easily post a message on social media that everyone can see. Many young people won’t want to engage with brands who don’t share the same beliefs as they do or those that are not being honest with them. To create a loyal following (what every business wants!), it is important to be transparent in your actions and promote an ethical image. Consumers have a lot more power over a brands reputation these days!
A major difference today is that people are able to have active conversations with brands and form online communities. Millennials are more comfortable and used to this form of engagement than previous generations. The brands with the best followings actually have some of their customers as brand ambassadors, creating sharable content, and advocating their message! Take the brand Go-pro for example, their marketing involves videos made by their fans, providing a testimonial to how good the product is.
Millennials may give more to brands, but they will also expect more from them too. They will want to be entertained regularly; this can come in many forms.
Here are a few tips to make sure you’re a hit with the millennial market:
• Humanise your brand and personalise your approach
Make interactions with consumers as natural, and real, as possible and engage with them regularly across the channels they are using. No one likes a robotic, one-size-fits-all approach, so be sure to respond to your fans on an individual basis and make them feel valued.
• Promote your values
Project the feelings and assume the tone you want your business to represent in your brand ethos and everything you do. This way consumers will know what you’re all about and want to buy in to your brand if it’s something they feel strongly about.
• Join in on conversations that millennials are having
Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion on what people are talking about, this can help your brand to connect with a wider audience. A great way to do this is on Twitter during key times of the year e.g. results day.
• Give them some advice
Who doesn’t need a helping hand now and then? Give your fans some useful life-hacks or informative how-tos about your product that they’ll find handy and they’re more likely to come back for more.
• Speak their language
Millennials are a diverse group that you can’t generalise too much, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try and tailor you approach to talk to them in the ways that they prefer. Definitely think digital, see our blog on why this is so important in the student market.
If you need any more advice or guidance on how to reach your millennial market don’t hesitate to get in touch here