It’s that time of the year again which we all know too well if you work in youth marketing – YMS 2017, also known as the Youth Marketing Strategy Conference! Now, we’re often regulars at YMS as this is a key calendar date for team BAM, but this year we’ve taken it an exciting step further. We’ve joined forces with Voxburner to become the official agency partner for the event that’s set to take place at the quirky Old Truman Brewery in London on the 21st and 22nd March.
This year at the London-based event, there will be 200 speakers, 65 exhibitors, 5 alternative content streams, 7 creative masterclasses, 2 chill out zones and 1 live entertainment stage; we think it’ll be near impossible to feel bored! Plus, there’s the pretty awesome news that we’ll be taking our cyclone machine giving you the chance to win some awesome prizes (think the final round of the Crystal Maze – a-mazing!!!).
Obviously, there are tonnes of other reasons why you should visit YMS this year (and no, it’s not just because we’re going to be there!). Gather amazing insights and top tips from brands such as Instagram, Primark, Cancer Research and Chiquitos. Listen to inspiring keynote speeches from industry pioneers like Colin Gottlieb (CEO, Omnicom Media Group) and attend seminars that will equip you with the latest marketing techniques along with ideas that you can take straight back to the office.
During the course of the event you can expect to gain insight into young people of today, as well as trends and future tech that shape youth culture, through seminars, panel talks and real-time feedback from 16-24s at live youth panels and debates. There will also be a huge focus on influencer marketing and creativity that will help you refresh your marketing strategy, with big brands leading the discussion through case studies and campaign examples.
Alongside all the juicy action, YMS 17 will play host to the Youth 100 Awards, celebrating the successes of top brands in youth marketing. And let’s not forget the most important bit, your stomach! There will be an amazing street food festival taking place, together with some first-class live entertainment. Talk about a multisensory experience!
Now back to BAM – our very own Tim Bodenham (MD) will be holding a session offering attendees insight into the student market gathered from BAM’s vast 18 years experience and why now more than ever marketers should be targeting more than just millennials.
We will also be taking part in a panel discussion where BAM will be sat alongside some big brands giving top advice on how to run an awesome student marketing campaign – one not to miss!
We will also be hosting a BAM masterclass, ‘Ask The Expert’, in which you can ask the team all your burning questions about the student market.
Last but not least, we’ve got a treat for you – if all the above hasn’t persuaded you to go ahead and buy a ticket, we can help make that decision a little easier. We’re pleased to offer you a special discount which will give you 40% off your tickets. Just simply use the code BAM40 when you book –
See you there, make sure you come and say hi!
Freshers Fairs – Is the event dead or alive?
For many years now, brands have always asked us the question – are Freshers Fairs worth attending? Here at BAM, we find that some of the large brands dip in and out of fairs but when they dip out, they really do see a negative effect. But why do they dip out? I think this is due to the fact there are many myths that face to face marketing is dead because millennials spend all of their time online, but they are wrong!
Yes, brands are turning to digital marketing but our recent survey showed us that only 40% of students would prefer to receive offers from brands via social media which includes video. Is this a real substitute for face to face marketing?
Freshers Fairs are very much alive and kicking with hundreds of thousands of students descending on fairs throughout September / October every year. BAM attended over 90 Fairs in 2016 from Edinburgh to Dublin to Exeter and everything in between. Whilst we were there we thought it would be a perfect opportunity to survey students, finding out what they truly think of the fairs and why then attend.
The ‘Freshers Fair’ is an event designed to target students in their first year arriving at University but only 56% of students who attended the fairs were actually first year students. Is this a good or bad thing for brands? Surely this can only encourage brand engagement providing another opportunity to build your brand with second and third year students? With this in mind brands should think about returning students as well as newbies when considering their brand message.
Out of the students that we surveyed, a whopping 67% attended the fair for freebies followed closely by student life at 48%. If you are planning on attending a fair this year, make sure you have plenty of cool freebies to hand out and students will flock to your stall. Amazingly, over 90% of students said they would return next year, proving for sure that Freshers Fairs are not dead.
We found that 24% of students are not familiar with key student brands, therefore promotion at the beginning of the student journey is paramount. This is further supported when 54% stated they would buy from these brands after interacting with them during the freshers events. Don’t make the easy mistake of thinking that all students are the same and know your brand.. Students are a huge cross section of society and come from all corners of the world so bare this in mind when planning your student marketing.
In my opinion, Freshers Fairs are very much alive and a fantastic marketing opportunity to capture students who first arrive at University. After all, they are making purchasing choices for the first time and could become a lifeline customer of yours.
With an estimated 2.4 million students studying Higher Education in the UK with a spending power of over £15 billion, this is a demographic not to be ignored.
In an age where there are so many options and choices available to students making the right decision can be a hard one. So what do we rely on? A source stated that a staggering 92% of consumers would trust their peers over advertising when it comes to purchasing decisions, meaning word of mouth and peer to peer marketing is an essential element of any marketing plan.
Student Brand Ambassadors act as advocates for your brand, they amplify the message you are trying to deliver to students through a medium in which they are much more receptive. Fast becoming one of the most effective marketing channels, here are 7 Essential tips to help you set up your Brand Ambassador Campaign and ensure its success.
1. Find your perfect fit Employing the right students is imperative. Remember they will be representing your brand to your future customers, so it is important they emulate everything that is important to your brand and message. Draw up what your brand would look like if it was a person, what character would they have, what image would they have. Once you have determined what you are looking for you can start to recruit.
Ensure the students your recruit not only are the right fit for your brand but are also influential on campus. Are they part of any societies? Do they have large social networks? The bigger the networks they have and the more influential they are, the more avenues they have to promote your brand and the better effect it will have.
2. Get to know them This sounds simple but it’s very crucial. Once you have recruited your Brand Ambassadors, if you have not met them already invite them to your office, make them feel part of the team and give them insight into your brand and company. Put a face to a name, integrate them into the team, feeling part of the team will only increase their buy-in to the brand and message.
3. Invest in training Representing your brand out in the field makes it essential that your Brand Ambassadors know what they are talking about. Set up a training day for your Brand Ambassadors, teach them all there is to know about your brand’s history, future, values and goals. Make sure the training is fun, interactive and encompasses all the knowledge they need to succeed in their role.
It is also a great opportunity for your Brand Ambassadors to meet each other, form relationships, meeting people they can use for support, inspiration and guidance in their new role. Take the time to invest in your Brand Ambassadors and reap the rewards.
4. Provide the right tools A workman is only as good as his tools! And this goes for Brand Ambassadors too. Make sure they are equipped with everything they need to succeed in the role. Ensure they have support for any questions, queries or concerns they may have. Make sure communication channels are set up where you can keep your Brand Ambassadors engaged and motivated on a regular basis.
5. Set Mission’s Set missions to keep the role interesting, challenging and fun for your Brand Ambassadors. Don’t let them get complacent, keep them on their toes. Through setting mission’s you will be able to track performance much easier, praising successes or providing further support if needed. Ask for photo’s from your Brand Ambassadors of them in action. Not only will you have evidence for your records but you will be able to share the images on social media and digital channels amplifying awareness and interaction. 6. Listen Your Brand Ambassadors are your ears on the ground, your soldiers in the field. Listen to them, ask for their feedback and take on board their suggestions. Students know their University and fellow students better than anyone. Encourage your Brand Ambassadors to share ideas of new advertising channels you may not have thought of, feedback on the effectiveness of current messages, what is or isn’t working etc. Not only will you make your Campaign much more successful but you will also make your Brand Ambassadors feel important and valued.
7. Incentivise Competition is healthy, having a goal to work towards is important and having extra perks and bonuses is a great way to improve performance. If you have multiple Brand Ambassadors set up a challenge to see who can top the leader board based on the missions you have set. Reward Brand Ambassadors who hit a certain goal within a certain time period. Be imaginative with your prizes and challenges, bring out the competitive side in your Brand Ambassadors and keep them incentivised and engaged.
They say you reap what you sow, the more time you invest in a student Brand Ambassador Campaign the greater the rewards. Using bespoke systems to manage missions and campaigns, BAM Student Marketing work closely with brands to build the foundations for a successful Brand Ambassador Campaign that delivers more than just results it delivers powerful brand advocates within the heart of the student community. Contact our talented team to find out more.
Tips on influencer marketing to millennial’s
As you probably already know, word-of-mouth is one of the most valuable, and respectable forms of marketing. According to Nielsen, It’s proven that 92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family. After all, potential customers are much more likely to trust their friends and family, rather than a corporate advertising message.
In the new era of digital communications, WOM is now used to communicate to consumers through social media, which is a great to platform to connect with the millennial market. The Deloitte report found that 47% of millennials are influenced in their purchases by social media. Millennials are a huge deal. Not only are they the largest generation since the Baby Boom, but they’re also about to enter their prime purchasing years.
Companies have stepped into the world of influencer marketing. An influencer is a digital savvy who posts, snaps or tweets to their thousands of followers — who then rush out and buy the products. In fact, research from Twitter shows that 49% of consumers seek purchase guidance from social media influencers, and 20% said that a Tweet from an influencer inspired them to share their own product recommendation. Influencers are a great marketing communication to connect with the millennial market, as they trust them. In fact, 60% of Millennials have said that they would try a product suggested by a YouTuber. Here are some tips on how to create a successful influencer campaign:
Choose your influence wisely
Firstly, you need to identify who would be the right influencers to use, and what type of audience they have. This will ensure that there isn’t a mismatch with the influencer & company.
Be relevant
There is nothing more cringe-worthy than when companies try to act ‘too cool’. Identify what you’re good at, and shout about it.
Let your influencers get creative
Influences are a success due to who they are. Their loyal followers will be sure to spot when an advertisement isn’t their style. Let them have control of how they want to send out the message, as they know what their audience likes and dislikes.
Track, Monitor and analyse your campaign
You need to know if influencer marketing is working for you or not. It’s incredibly difficult to track a digital campaign. But keep an eye on sales, likes, comments and shares to create an idea on how the campaign has gone.
Influencer marketing is one of the hottest, and effective, ways to get your company in front of a targeted audience. With these tips under your belt, you should be able to connect with the millennial market with the right influencer. Just remember to be yourself, and shout about it!
Written by: Emily Mullis, Media Partnership Account Sales Executive, BAM Agency Ltd
Delivering Gloucestershire College brand open events
Gloucestershire College came to BAM looking for help to improve their open evenings across their 3 campuses in the county. They wanted to ensure parents and students had an informative and enjoyable experience, promoting a welcoming and interactive atmosphere. They also wanted to increase their engagement and feedback on social media through the promotion of a Facebook competition, that has previously experienced low interaction.
Through our extensive database of high quality staff, teamed with our knowledge and experience of managing event staff we set to work on achieving their objectives.
We provided trained and personable event staff to facilitate:
Preparation, helping to set up the event from the positioning of roller banners to setting up the welcome desk, relieving the pressure from the College staff
Meet and greet, ensuring students and parents were greeted with warmth and personally escorted around the college to their area of interest
Communicate key messages that Gloucestershire college wanted to convey to students and parents
Promotion on welcome talks, an opportunity for students and parents to learn more about the college
Promotion of the Facebook competition where on exit students were encouraged to enter a prize draw and interact with the college on social media
6 must know facts about students
Students these days are hugely diverse. Not only are they super savvy consumers, they are concerned with the world around them and constantly question the validity of what they are being told by brands and media alike – especially online – and rightly so, especially with the current debate regarding ‘fake news’. They rely heavily on their peers’ opinions to inform their own and are constantly turning to social media to gain insight to help make informed decisions. They are also highly intuitive and aware of what is happening in the world, and are keen to get involved with current affairs.
As students’ money is a big priority, marketing to this audience can be especially tricky. Here are six facts you should know about the students of today and how best to engage them with your brand marketing.
Knowledge is Power
We’ve already covered that students can be a shrewd type of consumer, and from our experience they are often quick to pass judgement – first impressions can make or break a brand. Companies that focus heavily on sales messages or self-interest are immediately chastised, so balance in communication is paramount. This approach to marketing can create a challenge when putting a campaign together designed to target students. There is a need for campaigns to be innovative, appearing to not be for self-promotion and offering something valuable back to fans; often students will respond better to campaigns that add value to their lives.
Innovate with Innovation There is no denying that Facebook is the broadest social media channel of the moment, with one of the strongest and most intuitive advertising capabilities. However, you will find many students these days using Snapchat as one of their primary means of contact with friends. A whopping 51% of Generation Z say that they use Snapchat, with 34% saying that they checked it multiple times per day. Therefore, it is key that brands get involved on Snapchat; but as a brand you want to make sure that it is authentic and, considering the nature of the platform, fun. A brand that is making waves on Snapchat is Taco Bell – they’re fun, innovative, on-brand, and promotional all in one! The other route to take is to be informational (again in a fun way) to give students content that will help to enrich their lives.
Stand Out From The Crowd
Something that is often mentioned about Generation Z and students in the media is that they have a short attention span. To be honest, we think our attention spans in general have diminished over recent times – social media could play a huge role in this as we are submitted to so much information each day it’s difficult to absorb it all. Equally, we are getting used to ‘ignoring’ content – this is why you brand needs to offer something that is memorable and will stick. Ask yourself this question before you share anything on social media – would I talk about this at the pub with my mates? If the answer is no, chances are your content or idea isn’t engaging enough. A big attention grabber is getting a voice involved that either they recognise or can easily identify with.
Empower Students As Content Creators
The current generation of students have grown up with technology and social media being a key part of their lives. This has led to many students participating on social media and they themselves becoming content creators. Encouraging collaboration with your brand is a key driver for students, it allows them to be creative and they also have the chance of being endorsed by your brand. It means that both you and your consumer are getting something valuable from the marketing campaign.
Brand Loyalty Must Be Earned
Students and the youth in general are as discerning as ever, and there is a general perception that this market in particular is harder to reach and engage. They have less brand loyalty than those that came before them; equally, they like the idea of retailers being loyal to them. The lesson that brands can take away from this is that it is key to engage with your online community, but to also listen! This demographic isn’t shy of sharing its expectations so listen out for those cues and apply them to your strategies; offer entertainment and relevance and you’re on to a winner!
You Scratch My Back, I’ll Scratch Yours
Students today are very focused on their careers with many of them rating finding a job as their top concern. They are keen for career growth and, as mentioned before, many want to carve out their own careers by becoming an entrepreneur or starting their own business. They have big aspirations for their working life and so brands should be aware that giving them the ability to progress in their jobs will be key. Play to these aspirations when considering targeting students with campaigns by offering something invaluable in return that they will thank you for. A good example is a campaign we created with a previous client, Debut. We asked students to come up with a concept for a new product in return for work experience with the brand we partnered with, L’Oreal. There were tonnes of entries and the winner was actually offered a permanent position within the company!
StudentUniverse raise their Youth Marketing Game
For 2016 StudentUniverse and BAM worked together to create their biggest Freshers campaign to date. There was already a long standing relationship however this year it was taken to a whole new level.
There were two key objectives: •Increase the presence of the StudentUniverse brand across the UK •Increase collection of key student data
BAM set to work on how they could help them achieve their goals which included:
• Carefully selecting through research and experience 32 fairs that would be best suited and most effective • Recruiting a team of professional and experienced promotional staff to run each event • Designing and creating an interactive data collection app to engage students • Designing and creating a visually striking and enticing stand to attract students amongst the noise of the fairs • Utilising BAM’s Student Union Media Partnerships media channels to increase impact of the campaign
The concept? Students had to simply complete a short data form and select a continent that they would most like to visit around the world. Once selected students spun the globe for a chance to win discount prizes of up to £200, and an amazing chance to win return tickets to New York and Thailand in partnership with Virgin Atlantic and Etihad Airways. Each student was also awarded a promo code via email for playing.
Simple yet effective. The campaign was a huge success, students loved the brand and interaction, smashing both objectives set at the beginning of 2016. StudentUniverse are now exploring opportunities for 2017 in partnership with BAM with some very exciting things on the horizon!
BAM are key sponsors of the YMS 17
BAM have joined forces with Voxburner to be part of the 7th annual Youth Marketing Strategy event (YMS). So put the 21st – 22nd March in your diary for the biggest festival of youth marketing in Europe, bringing together over 1,500 top brands, agencies, universities and youth organisations in the industry.
We’ll be sharing a stage with some of the most innovative and inspirational speakers in the youth marketing world including Instagram, Primark, YouTube, Twitter, BBC, McDonalds, Hilton Worldwide, Buzzfeed, John Lewis, Starbucks, Heineken UK, The Body Shop and more! It’s a great opportunity for you to:
Hear the very latest youth trends, uncovering the cultural, social and digital changes that are revolutionising the future habits of young people
Learn from leaders in the youth space to get the latest insights and ideas you need to shape and refresh your youth marketing strategy
Join us and be part of this exciting event – there’s dedicated streams on digital marketing, student marketing, higher education marketing and retail, as well as:
Blockbuster youth marketing campaign case studies including Instagram, Primark, Cancer Research UK and Chiquitos
Top-class keynotes to inspire you from Colin Gottlieb, CEO of Omnicom Media Group EMEA; Sophie Radcliffe, endurance athlete and Samantha Fay, SVP at Guinness World Records
Real-time feedback from 16-24s: live youth panels, debates and more
The latest marketing techniques and ideas that you can take straight back to your desk
The Youth 100 Awards – recognising the top brands in youth marketing
First class live entertainment and a street food festival at The Old Truman Brewery on Brick Lane
We are pleased to be able to offer you a special discount giving you 40% off, so don’t miss out – get your tickets now! You just need to use discount code BAM40 when booking.
University has become a solid right of passage for most young adults in the UK, with the number of undergraduates increasing year on year. However, while it can enrich lives bringing forth a whole host of unforgettable experiences and valuable skills, it also comes with a huge price tag. This can be challenging; as the cost of living rises in the UK, so does the amount students have to spend on their daily outgoings to survive.
The main cost for students, and certainly the biggest, is of course university fees, but these are normally out of the way before a student even starts their course whether paid outright or via their student loan. Rent, according to Natwest’s Annual Student Living Index found that apart from accommodation, groceries were found to be the biggest expense. So with university fees, accommodation and food being a huge and expensive outlay, this leaves little for students to ‘play with’ – this means brands are fighting with each other for the rest of the pot.
It’s no surprise that students’ income mostly comes from their loans, maintenance grants, part-time jobs, and of course the bank of mum and/or dad if they’re lucky. This raises an important question for marketers hoping to target the student audience – what do students spend their money on, and are they going to spend it on what I’m selling?
Accommodation A recent survey from Save the Student revealed what students spent their money on, which is a great source of information for brands as this gives huge insight into their spending power as well as their priorities/biggest costs. It’s no surprise that the main cost for students is accommodation, with an average of £385 being spent on rent each month.
Groceries Students spend on average £124 a month on food, including stocking up on cupboard essentials and going out for meals or ordering takeaways. This figure, while relatively high, could suggest that students aren’t necessarily going out for restaurant meals all that often, which could present an opportunity for restaurants. There are tonnes of deals out there for students to encourage them to have an active social life between all the studying. Daily deals or student discounts are a great way for relevant brands to encourage sales and are extra appealing for cash-strapped students. Socialising The next highest spend on the list is ‘social’, including going out for drinks, nightclub entry and any other social activities such as bowling, cinema etc. This being the third highest spend among students shows that making and maintaining friendships is a strong priority for students during term time. This is useful for marketers to know as any advertising or marketing activity can take these personal priorities into account. Also, any brands wishing to appeal to the students’ social sensibilities can run promotions to tap into this further (e.g. 2 for 1 on drinks with a student card).
Travel Next on the list is travel, presumably students travelling to university and also home for visits with family. Again, this is another important cost on the minds of students which marketers can tap into, whether considering promotions or delivering appropriate messaging and information. Students can often become homesick when moving away from family for the first time, so this is likely why the spend comes so high up in the list, as well as taking the rising costs in petrol and train/bus fares into account.
General Household bills (such as internet, gas and electricity) followed by clothes, books, drugs, and ‘other’ are also part of a student’s outgoings. Clothes came in at £34 per month, which suggests that looking good and keeping up with trends is an important focus while at university. We all remember that first dress-down day at school and how important it was for us to look good – this is what students probably go through each day, so it’s not just down to how they look, it’s how they feel and demonstrating their individuality. We don’t know exactly what ‘other’ encapsulates, but it may be things such as music and other entertainment, beauty products and household items as well. Again, showing that social elements are of the most importance to students.
Study & Communication The final bit of spending is on books – we’re going to assume for university studying – and mobile phone bills, which again leans toward the social aspect of students spending. Students will be using their mobiles not only to keep in touch with friends and family, but also as a study aid, so this is a key spend although not a high one. More often than not, students will already have a contract with a provider in place before heading off to uni, but for those that don’t striking while the iron is hot, i.e. as soon as the new term begins, with deals or switch over offers is a great way to get students on board. So, what we can gather is that the social aspect of studying and being at university is what takes priority. This suggests that these feelings are what marketers need to focus on when appealing to the student market. Not only that but as students cut back their spending in certain areas to save for others, they will be more susceptible to promotions which target them, especially if you play on their personal priorities.
So are students on your brands agenda this year? If so, be sure to get in touch!