7 tips to run a Brand Ambassador campaign
In an age where there are so many options and choices available to students making the right decision can be a hard one. So what do we rely on? A source stated that a staggering 92% of consumers would trust their peers over advertising when it comes to purchasing decisions, meaning word of mouth and peer to peer marketing is an essential element of any marketing plan.
Student Brand Ambassadors act as advocates for your brand, they amplify the message you are trying to deliver to students through a medium in which they are much more receptive. Fast becoming one of the most effective marketing channels, here are 7 Essential tips to help you set up your Brand Ambassador Campaign and ensure its success.
1. Find your perfect fit
Employing the right students is imperative. Remember they will be representing your brand to your future customers, so it is important they emulate everything that is important to your brand and message. Draw up what your brand would look like if it was a person, what character would they have, what image would they have. Once you have determined what you are looking for you can start to recruit.
Ensure the students your recruit not only are the right fit for your brand but are also influential on campus. Are they part of any societies? Do they have large social networks? The bigger the networks they have and the more influential they are, the more avenues they have to promote your brand and the better effect it will have.
2. Get to know them
This sounds simple but it’s very crucial. Once you have recruited your Brand Ambassadors, if you have not met them already invite them to your office, make them feel part of the team and give them insight into your brand and company. Put a face to a name, integrate them into the team, feeling part of the team will only increase their buy-in to the brand and message.
3. Invest in training
Representing your brand out in the field makes it essential that your Brand Ambassadors know what they are talking about. Set up a training day for your Brand Ambassadors, teach them all there is to know about your brand’s history, future, values and goals. Make sure the training is fun, interactive and encompasses all the knowledge they need to succeed in their role.
It is also a great opportunity for your Brand Ambassadors to meet each other, form relationships, meeting people they can use for support, inspiration and guidance in their new role. Take the time to invest in your Brand Ambassadors and reap the rewards.
4. Provide the right tools
A workman is only as good as his tools! And this goes for Brand Ambassadors too. Make sure they are equipped with everything they need to succeed in the role. Ensure they have support for any questions, queries or concerns they may have. Make sure communication channels are set up where you can keep your Brand Ambassadors engaged and motivated on a regular basis.
5. Set Mission’s
Set missions to keep the role interesting, challenging and fun for your Brand Ambassadors. Don’t let them get complacent, keep them on their toes. Through setting mission’s you will be able to track performance much easier, praising successes or providing further support if needed. Ask for photo’s from your Brand Ambassadors of them in action. Not only will you have evidence for your records but you will be able to share the images on social media and digital channels amplifying awareness and interaction.6. Listen
Your Brand Ambassadors are your ears on the ground, your soldiers in the field. Listen to them, ask for their feedback and take on board their suggestions. Students know their University and fellow students better than anyone. Encourage your Brand Ambassadors to share ideas of new advertising channels you may not have thought of, feedback on the effectiveness of current messages, what is or isn’t working etc. Not only will you make your Campaign much more successful but you will also make your Brand Ambassadors feel important and valued.
7. Incentivise
Competition is healthy, having a goal to work towards is important and having extra perks and bonuses is a great way to improve performance. If you have multiple Brand Ambassadors set up a challenge to see who can top the leader board based on the missions you have set. Reward Brand Ambassadors who hit a certain goal within a certain time period. Be imaginative with your prizes and challenges, bring out the competitive side in your Brand Ambassadors and keep them incentivised and engaged.
They say you reap what you sow, the more time you invest in a student Brand Ambassador Campaign the greater the rewards. Using bespoke systems to manage missions and campaigns, BAM Student Marketing work closely with brands to build the foundations for a successful Brand Ambassador Campaign that delivers more than just results it delivers powerful brand advocates within the heart of the student community. Contact our talented team to find out more.